Looking around the internet no one seems to have all three of these in the same place so I thought I’d gather what everyone else is saying… Read more “rel=”me”, rel=”author” & rel=”publisher””
Category: authorship
How to Setup Google Authorship
You can find this information a million other places on the internet, but I thought I’d sum it up for you in an easy to understand blog… Read more “How to Setup Google Authorship”
Will Google Save Journalism?
For centuries the world of Journalism had developed into a profession that required a Journalist to organize information gathered from researched sources and place it in a… Read more “Will Google Save Journalism?”
The Difference Between Rel=Author and Rel=Me
Google has introduced a new way to identify authors on the internet. They want you to put a link with the rel=”author” attribute in it. Wait no,… Read more “The Difference Between Rel=Author and Rel=Me”