One thorn in every SEO’s side is Google’s PageSpeed Insights. Here’s a quick rundown of what it is: Wait what speed did it say? You heard that… Read more “ – PageSpeed Insights: Perfect Score”
Category: google
Local Search Oddity
I was running a search for a client to get some spot check data on ranking. In the process I noticed that the local block in the… Read more “Local Search Oddity”
Google hates links.
In the last few years SEO folks have been making the change from “Site Tweaker” to proper marketing people. We’re focusing on design and user experience more… Read more “Google hates links.”
rel=”me”, rel=”author” & rel=”publisher”
Looking around the internet no one seems to have all three of these in the same place so I thought I’d gather what everyone else is saying… Read more “rel=”me”, rel=”author” & rel=”publisher””
Why Google+ Wins
I have had a lot of discussions with people on if Google Plus will succeed as a social media platform. The most recent change in the Google+… Read more “Why Google+ Wins”
How to Setup Google Authorship
You can find this information a million other places on the internet, but I thought I’d sum it up for you in an easy to understand blog… Read more “How to Setup Google Authorship”
Google’s Just Being Social
Over the last year Google has been making a lot of changes. Most of these are moving away from it’s link-based origins. As a SEO Guy I’ve… Read more “Google’s Just Being Social”
Will Google Save Journalism?
For centuries the world of Journalism had developed into a profession that required a Journalist to organize information gathered from researched sources and place it in a… Read more “Will Google Save Journalism?”
The Difference Between Rel=Author and Rel=Me
Google has introduced a new way to identify authors on the internet. They want you to put a link with the rel=”author” attribute in it. Wait no,… Read more “The Difference Between Rel=Author and Rel=Me”